Thursday, April 25, 2013

TGT Podcast Episode 3 - Bathing your dog at home like a pro

The topic of this podcast is my response to a reader/subscriber who posed the question:

"I wash my dog at home, but he still smells bad. What am I doing wrong?" 

Listen to Episode 3 Now:

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TGT Podcast Episode 2 - Anal Sac Expression

For some folks it's an interesting topic and they cant wait to ask their groomer or veterinarian...what is this all about? For others, it's a bit of a taboo topic, a "don't-ask, don't-tell" sort of thing. Nevertheless, it is a very important part of health care for your pet, particularly, for the smaller breeds. I am to answer all of your burning questions on the topic of anal sac expression!!

Listen to podcast now:

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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Introducing my first podcast at "Tails From the Grooming Table"

I couldn't be more thrilled as the existing owner and author of "Tails from the grooming table" to announce that my all new podcast is currently in the works! Let's face it, some people don't like to read and would rather listen! So I'm bringing to you over 10 years of grooming experience, answering questions and concerns regarding the grooming care of our pets as I use questions from clients, readers and subscribers to fuel topics of most interest on the subject of pet grooming/hair & skin care and maintenance. I hope you enjoy my pod casts and blog posts, and please feel free to contact me with any questions of your own that you'd like to have answered! As always...spread the word to like-minded individuals!!

So take a listen to Episode #1: Let's Talk Shampoos & Bathing

Download this episode (right click and save)

Friday, April 19, 2013

Ask The Groomer: Q & A for today: DRY, ITCHY SKIN.

The Question: "My dog is always itchy when he comes back from the groomer? What should I do?"

The Answer:  There is a very slight chance that the shampoo may be to blame. Believe it or not though, this is not usually the case. I do recommend for sensitive-skinned dogs, that you always request a hypo-allergenic shampoo that doesn't contain any strong fragrances or harsh chemicals. The one thing you will have to realize when asking for these types of shampoos is that your dog may not come home smelling like a rose garden or like a fabric softener sheet as these shampoos generally contain no fragrances. This will not aid you much in the fight against de-stinkifying your dog, but will however, do the job quite well in removing dirt, dry skin dander, and most of that unclean doggie smell. The reason dogs sometimes show reactions to harshly fragranced shampoos is the same as it is for humans. Strongly-scented shampoos and washes do contain more alcohol which is known as a drying agent. This could be drying your dog's skin out, especially if you are bringing your pet in for frequent baths. Remember, any more often than once per week for regular baths is NOT recommended. Pet's don't generally have sweat glands throughout their skin as we do, therefore, their skin's natural ability to excrete essential oils for moisturization and skin protection could be compromised by too-frequent bathing.

If this doesn't seem to help, then there is most-likely another issue going on. Your pet could have allergies which can range from a plethora of irritants such as environmental allergies, flea allergies (sometimes you wont even see the fleas, but they very well may be present), or food allergies. Unfortunately, this can only be assessed and diagnosed by a veterinarian or animal dermatologist. There are specialized tests and trials to determine whether or not any of the above are the culprit for your dog's itchy skin. 

If your dog should be determined a candidate for allergic conditions, it's best that you ask your groomer for an oatmeal or aloe-based shampoo as well as a conditioning treatment to help soothe the dry, itchy skin.

Remember, it is always fair to ask questions and consider the facts while doing your homework. The groomer is too often the scapegoat for all hair and skin problems, and more often than not, the groomer has nothing to do with it.  Remember your groomer's job is to help you and aim to keep Baxter clean, healthy and happy.  If you maintain a non-accusatory attitude, everyone can work together to get to the bottom of your pet's itchy skin!

As always, feel free to email me with any grooming questions or concerns you may have, and I will be sure to include them in my regular Q & A posts.